A downloadable game for Windows and macOS

There needs to be more awareness about Synesthesia. Very few people know about it, and it's a misunderstanding that it's a "disease". 

Synesthesia is a neurological CONDITION which causes the senses to overlap. Because of this, synesthetes (people with synesthesia) develop unique abilities like being able to hear color, smell words, etc. 

DISCLAIMER: If you are a synesthete with grapheme-color synesthesia, beware that the colors in the game may not match with yours. You may experience discomfort, but it'll be challenging to play this through "my eyes"! (Also sorry for the really bad puns xD)


Use the arrow keys to move. 

I didn't color in every single word/number/letter in the narration text because I'm too lazy xD.

 Red (the letter A) is lava. Don't touch it! 

Green (the letter C) is bouncy. 

Orange (the letter E) is sticky. 

Navy blue (the letter S) is slippery. 


Music-Vexento - Inspire

Made for the Text Only Jam hosted by 8 Bits to Infinity

Theme- "Start Small"


Synesthesia - A Text Platformer (Windowsx64 Build).zip 102 MB
Synesthesia - A Text Platformer(Mac Build).zip 132 MB